Off the coasts of Southern California, 这里有丰富多样的水生生物,从海葵到鲸鱼都有. With global sea temperatures on the rise, increased pollution, and habitat and species loss, 了解如何保护加州的海洋野生动物和生态系统比以往任何时候都更加重要.
For more than a decade, 生物学教授雷·拉尼·斯特尔(Lei Lani Stelle)一直领导着人类对南加州海洋哺乳动物影响的研究和数据收集工作. 斯特尔认为,这项研究和长期监测对于了解海洋哺乳动物种群在快速变化的环境中如何波动至关重要. By using Geographic Information System (GIS), 斯特尔的团队可以预测在何时何地找到特定物种,并确定它们赖以生存的栖息地的必要条件.
每年夏天,威尼斯人平台的学生都有机会参与并为斯特尔的研究做出贡献 Student Science Research program. 这个为期10周的项目使学生有机会在与明尼苏达大学教授一起工作的同时从事一个研究项目. Students are involved in all aspects of research: data collection, scientific writing, and even give a presentation on their work at the annual poster symposium.
斯特尔解释说:“学生们可以把全部时间都放在研究上,亲身体会做科学研究的挑战和回报。. “这笔资金使他们能够在没有其他干扰的情况下致力于这项工作, which is a rare opportunity. Many are considering a career as a researcher, so it's a great opportunity to determine if it's the best path for them. 一些学生继续走这条路,另一些人则从事包括教育在内的其他工作, medicine, vet programs, etc. 但所有人都对科学的价值和发现的过程表示赞赏.”
Lucy Stiff ‘24, an environmental science major and human-animal studies, spatial studies, and women, gender, and sexuality studies minor, 和斯特尔一起参加了今年的学生科学研究项目. 她追求这个研究机会,因为她的职业和个人目标都是帮助保护野生动物及其栖息地.
“在完成本科学位的同时,我想在这个领域体验尽可能多的不同机会, one of which is Marine Biology,” Lucy stated. “I have always admired Dr. Stelle's work, 从带队前往帕劳,到全年指导学生进行涉及微塑料的项目, sea lion behavior, and human disturbances on marine mammals. 她的项目不仅让我有机会向一位了不起的导师学习, and continue my passion for conserving wildlife, but helped to develop skills in data collection and spatial analysis.”
On campus Lucy and Grace Vogt ‘23, another student participating in the research program, 帮助整理前几年的数据,并使用两个软件程序识别不同的物种:识别宽吻海豚的flukebook和识别座头鲸的快乐鲸. Blue Whales can be identified manually, given there are fewer and only travel to Southern California in the summer.
斯特尔的团队在达纳码头鲸鱼观察组织的支持下每周进行两到三次调查. On the two-hour trips, the team collects data on weather conditions, species spotted, animal behavior, and boat activity using ArcGIS Field Maps. 他们还拍摄照片,以帮助他们在大威尼斯人平台园的工作. After, 摄制组前往达纳角的维斯塔角,用岸边的瞄准镜调查海狮对船只交通的反应.
Lucy advises, “任何考虑参加学生科学研究计划的人都应该记住,这是一项艰苦的工作,而且时间很长, but it is extremely worth it. Whether you're in Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, or any other field, 和每年夏天招收学生的不同教授谈谈,看看是否有合适的人选.”
Alex Munoz ‘23, a biology major and human-animal studies minor, participated in the Student Science Research program last year with Stelle. 他的研究重点是船只的使用如何影响海洋哺乳动物的行为或迁徙模式.
“在我的一生中,动物是我一直有兴趣了解更多的东西,” Alex expressed, “so I was eager to take the opportunity to research them out in the wild, especially large marine mammals like whales. 在我的夏季研究期间,每周都能和一家观鲸公司出去几次,对那里的物种进行调查,这是一件非常有趣和令人兴奋的事情.”
“此外,这个项目让我对研究作为一项职业有了一些感觉. It allowed me to see what it would be like to collect and analyze data, 它也让我获得了宝贵的经验,为任何一种职业在生物学领域.”
During his program, 亚历克斯对在南加州海岸发现的动物的多样性感到惊讶,他能够识别出12种不同的海洋野生动物, including whales, dolphins and sea lions. “能够在野外看到这么酷的动物做出有趣的行为, such as jumping out of the water and playing with each other, is an incredible sight. 无论何时外出,我们都不能保证在特定的旅行中看到任何特定的物种, but that makes it all the more worthwhile when we do see them. 这与在视频中看到动物和在野外看到它们是不一样的!”
像在犹他大学提供的这些经历不仅提供了一个开阔视野的机会,为未来的职业道路提供了洞察力,而且还可以改变一个人对我们与所有生物互动的看法. For example, 斯特尔分享了她在海岸旅行中最喜欢的回忆之一:“我们观察到一对蓝鲸妈妈和幼鲸在达纳角觅食. 当我们注意到母象走得更远时,它们就在附近,而小象却呆在后面. 那头小牛离我们的船越来越近了,所以我们把船停了下来,以免引起任何骚动.”
“The calf circled around right next to our boat for over 30 minutes. We could see the mom diving about a quarter mile away the whole time. Eventually she returned, her calf joined her, and they swam away. I know it sounds like anthropomorphizing, 但看起来她把幼崽留给我们照看,这样她就能集中精力获取足够的食物!”
To learn more about the Student Science Research program, click this link.